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Another PhpPageCounter Download

Another PHPagecounter by:  WGREP


The PHP Resource Index

A Free PHP web page Counter Script That tracks page names and views. [Ver 1.0 Aug 22 2002]

Features fully automated page counting through the php.ini auto prepend or by an include call.

Features easy Installation, Implementation, Administration.
(There's one at the top of this page.)

Download Below                         

 If You Find Either of These Scripts Useful, and Would Like to Make a Donation Through PayPal to Help Defray Expenses, Click Below. Any Amount Appreciated, Thank You.

Choose a Version Below.

Text Version


Downloaded 17773 times; 11718 Unique.


You are Visitor to this page

Graphical Version


Downloaded 8881 times; 5486 Unique.


Questions Or Comments Please. 



Screenshot Of  Admin        Click here to see a screenshot

(count.php)                      of the NEW Magnum version.

                            It's Here Now! Download the Beta in the Demo Admin Section

                            To Try A Live Administration Demo of the Magnum Version And Download the beta

Click Here



1) 8/25/2002 Changed Admin Page. Looks better now.

2) 12/14/2003 Added Graphical Version as per requests.

3) 01/13/2004 Made Magnum Edition Available as GPL Download.

4) 03/24/2004 Added Ability to Accept Donations Through PayPal.






###### PHP Page Counter For PHP & MySQL ########

########      © by Wayne Baughan. 2002          ########

##########           ############


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